Usually, women who have regular cycles, tend to ovulate consistently. Women who have irregular cycles may have delayed ovulation or even skipped ovulation. A few clues of ovulation are
– watery cervical fluids during the fertile period
– feeling warm or feverish during the 2nd half of the cycle
– one-sided pelvic around the ovulation time
– a ‘positive’ reading with a ‘Ovulation Prediction Kit’
Generally, fertility ability drops after 35 years (some even before 30 years!) of age. This ‘biological clock’ phenomenon is tied to the fact that women have limited amount of eggs available when they came into the world at birth.
The quantity of eggs left falls every year, and more marked after 35. Apart from egg quantity, there’s the issue of egg QUALITY, which are also tied to a woman’s age. After 40, outlook for conceiving is drops considerably
85% of normal, healthy couples usually conceive naturally by the end of 1 year. So, if you have been seriously trying to conceive (TTC) for more than a year, then it’s best to see a gynaecologist or a fertility doctor
We were very nervous as this was our first time doing IVF. Dr Chong reassured us that our chances were good. And he was right!Norhayati & Fadzli Parents of twins
Thank you for helping us welcome our Little Prince into this world! Your attentiveness and professionalism is highly appreciatedReese and Winnie 1st time parents
Dr Chong was very patient and took the time to explain to us every step of the way. We are overjoyed when we found out that we were pregnant on…Jessica and Bala IUI couple